The Virtual Museum

  Of Trumpets, Cornets and Bugles by Maker


Allora {Buffet-Crampon VMI, Markneukirchen, Germany}


Allora “AATR-125” Bb trumpet circa 2010


Allora “Aere 1301” All plastic Bb trumpet, circa 2015


American Standard {Est. 1919 as brand of Cleveland (below) became Tempo brand 1963}


American Standard “200” Bb trumpet, 1938


American Standard “205” cornet, 1948


American Standard “Student Prince” peashooter possible stencil Bb trumpet, circa 1930


American Standard possible stencil depression era Bb cornet, circa 1930


Antoine Courtois {now in Buffet-Crampon group, established late 18th century}


Courtois Arbuckle model Bb cornet, circa 1880


Courtois Bb trumpet stenciled to H&A Selmer New York, circa WWI


Courtois Bb balanced model trumpet, circa 1950s


Leblance 707 Sonic Bb trumpet by Courtois, circa 1960s


Anton Riedel{Established 1885, Graslitz, Bohemia, ceased to exist when Reidel family disposessed and deported 11 October 1946}


Arigra Bb trumpet, circa 1930s


Austin Winds{Established early 2000s, Austin, Texas, in the back of an IT services office - unique designs fabricated by Kanstul or Taylor}


Austin Stage 466 Bb trumpet, 2017


Austin Stage 470LT Bronze bell Bb trumpet, 2018 (One of Kanstul's last builds)


Benge {Defunct brand name belonging to Conn-Selmer est. 1930s, acq’d by KMI}


Benge Bb trumpet in ML bore with #3 bell, KMI Los Angeles, 1973


Besson {now Buffet-Crampon Group producing in India & Germany @ VMI, established 1838 in France, split to English and French firms 1858 (Besson & Co, F.Besson), re-established 2007/8}


F.Besson Bb/A Cornet, 1886


Besson 1867-design (except for modern valve caps) Bb Cornet, 1919


F.Besson 1880-design Bb trumpet, circa 1938


Besson & Co. 2-20 (student) Bb trumpet, 1967


Besson & Co. 2-20 (student) Bb trumpet, 1968


Blechbrass und SignalInstrumenten Fabrik {Established 1953 as a collective in Germany, now division of Buffet-Crampon}


B&S "Sonora" Bb trumpet, circa 1990s


B&S MBX3 "Heritage" Bb trumpet, circa 2021


Blessing {Established 1906 Elkhart Indiana as Emil K. Blessing, later E.K. Blessing,
sold to St,Louis Music 2015, becoming a stencil brand on imports}


Emil K. Blessing Bb trumpet, circa 1920


Blessing “National” Bb trumpet, 1950


Wm Frank “American Prep” Bb trumpet, 1959 (1910 established Frank absorbed by Blessing post-WWII)


Blessing “B 125” Bb trumpet, 2009


Bohland & Fuchs {Est. 1862 in Graslitz, Bohemia, collectivized into Amati in 1946}


Bohland & Fuchs #3 “J. Henri Marchand” stencil Bb cornet in high pitch only,
Bell marked for HE McMIllin by then employee HN White, which places it circa 1893


Bohland & Fuchs #5 “Marceau Paris” stencil Bb cornet with high pitch slide for Sears, circa 1880


Bohland & Fuchs #5 “Imperial by Geo. Barings, Eng.” stencil Bb cornet with high pitch slide, circa 1880


Bohland & Fuchs #6 “JW Pepper - Surprise - Philadelphia” stencil Bb cornet (HP), circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs #7 “Superior, M.Bauer, HN White Sole Agent” stencil Bb cornet (HP), circa 1894


Bohland & Fuchs #7 Bb cornet (HP) - bell crest is blank, appears to be engraver's practice piece, circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs #8 “Champion Silver Piston” stencil Bb cornet in high pitch, circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs #9 “Union – HN White Sole Agent” stencil Bb cornet in high pitch, circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs "P", “M. Bauer & Co. – HN White Sole Agent” stencil Bb cornet in high pitch, circa 1894


Bohland & Fuchs #? “Champion Silver Piston” stencil Bb cornet in high pitch, circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs #2 “Silver Star – HN White Sole Agent” stencil Bb cornet (HP), circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs “Carl Fischer - New York” stencil Bb cornet (HP), circa 1895


Bohland & Fuchs #8 “Carl Fischer - Reliable - New York” stencil Bb cornet (HP), circa 1900*


Bohland & Fuchs #12 “Superior Silver Star – HN White Sole Agent” stencil Bb/A cornet (HP), circa 1900


Bohland & Fuchs #5 “M.Bauer - Paris” stencil Bb/A cornet (HP), circa 1900


Bohland & Fuchs “American Model”, stencil as “Imperial” for HN White, Bb/A cornet (LP), circa 1910


Bohland & Fuchs Bb/A trumpet (LP), circa 1910


Bohland & Fuchs “Marceau Paris” stencil clone of Conn “Perfected Wonder” Bb/A cornet for Sears, circa 1910


Bohland & Fuchs “Marceau Paris” stencil clone of York “Perfectone” Bb/A cornet for Sears, circa 1910


Bohland & Fuchs Austro-Hungarian Military field trumpet in Bb (“Trench Bugle”), circa 1915


Bohland & Fuchs “Concertone” for Montgomery Wards stencil C/Bb/A trumpet, circa 1920 *S*


probable Bohland & Fuchs “Concertone” for Montgomery Wards hand peened finish stencil Bb/A trumpet, circa 1930


Bohland & Fuchs “Marceau Paris” stencil Bb/A peashooter trumpet for Sears, circa 1930


Bohland & Fuchs “Henry Pourcell” for C. Bruno & Sons stencil Bb/A trumpet, circa 1935


Bohm-Meinl {Established 1950s, Geretsried, Bavaria, W. Germany, in a former ammunition bunker.
Purchased by Walter Nirschl, grandson of Walter Meinl and operates today from plants in India, China and Brazil.}


Bohm-Meinl Bb trumpet, 1950s


Boosey & Co. {Established 1760 as a music publisher, entered brasswind manufacturing by buying
Henry Diston's first firm in 1868, merged into Boosey & Hawkes in 1930 (unused brand of Buffet today,
B&H publishing is separate) Operated in London England}


Boosey & Co. C/Bb/A cornet in C, 1879

Boosey & Co. C/Bb/A cornet with Bb/A slide, 1879


Boosey & Co. Bb/A cornet in the style of Henry Diston - still carries Eagle bell crest, 1886


Boston Musical Instrument Co. {Established 1869 in Boston from EG Wright + Graves}


Boston Musical Instrument Manufactory “Ne Plus Ultra 3-star” Bb/A cornet, 1883



Boston Musical Instrument Company “Ne Plus Ultra 3-star” Bb/A cornet (LP), 1908


Cundy-Bettony - Boston Musical Instrument Company “Ne Plus Ultra 3-star” Bb/A cornet, 1910


Cundy-Bettony - Boston Musical Instrument Company “Ne Plus Ultra 3-star” Bb cornet (LP), 1916


Cundy-Bettony - Boston Musical Instrument Company “Boss-Tone” Bb trumpet, 1917


Cundy-Bettony – Boston Musical Instrument Company “Three Star Model 11” Bb/A trumpet, 1918


Cundy-Bettony – Boston Musical Instrument Company “Three Star Model 11” Bb/A trumpet, 1922


Cundy-Bettony – Boston Musical Instrument Company Bb/A trumpet, 1923


Cundy-Bettony – Boston (probable stencil) Bb/A trumpet, circa 1927


Bryant-Newell{Est. 1904 Detroit Michigan , ceased operations between 1914 and 1918 - spin-off from Willard Bryant's music store}


Bryant Newell Invincible cornet, 1907 - damaged - this shows the unique extension spring design


Buescher {Est. 1903/4 by Gus Buescher, sold 1916 to AH Beardsley and Elkhart BIC in 1923}


Buescher “Model 5” Bb/A trumpet with Buescher’s Epoch valve system, 1918 (design circa 1907)


Buescher “Model 10 True-Tone” Bb/A trumpet, 1922


Buffet-Crampon {Est. 1825, Paris, France, Re-established 2008}


Buffet “American Model”, stencil made by Monke in W. Germany as supplier to Buffet, circa 1960


Bundy {Est. 1941 as Selmer brand, sold to Guitar Center in 2008 for Asian stencil use}


Selmer “George M. Bundy” Bb trumpet, 1941


Selmer “Bundy” Bb trumpet, circa 1970


another Selmer “Bundy” Bb trumpet, circa 1970


Bundy “1551 Short” Bb cornet, became “Bach CR-310” in the late 1980s, circa 1979


F.W. Busch{Est. <1869 at #255 Bowery, N.Y., as family shop by Fred Busch. Briefly partnered with string
maker August Glaesel ca.1870. Partnered with Henry Distin in 1878. Sons Edward & William join firm in 20th c.
Fred died in 1920 and the firm relocated as the shop of Edward to New Jersey. Defunct <1940.}


F.W. Busch Bb/A cornet, ca.1919


G. Butler & Sons {Est. 1798 by John Dollard in Dublin, passed to George Butler in 1826.
Expanded to London by 1865. Retailer after 1923. Defunct after 1941.}


Butler Haymarket London cornet, ca.1890 (29 Haymarket address operational 1865-1898)


Calicchio {Est. 1947 by Dominic Calicchio Transitioned to Joe Lintz and John Duda 1987, Bought by John Duda 2003}


Calicchio 1s/2 Bb trumpet, 1996


Calicchio R3/7 Bb trumpet (with opt. heavy caps installed), 2008 - BAC/John Duda overhaul 2020


CarolBrass {Est. late 1980s as Hoxon Gakki, Carol Brass established as Western sales unit 2002, name changed to CarolBrass in 2010}


CarolBrass CTR-5060H Bb trumpet, 2015


C.G. Conn {Est. 1876, Elkhart In., Conn-Selmer Div. of Steinway 2003}


Conn “Ultimatum" (Gen 2) Bb/A cornet with unique original undermount water keys, 1885


Conn “Solo Wonder” Bb/A cornet made in the former Fiske Worchestor plant, 1894 (designed 1886)


Conn “Solo Wonder” Bb/A cornet with high pitch slide, 1908 (designed 1886)


Conn “Wonder Vocal” C/Bb/A cornet with C crook installed, 1908 (designed 1886)


Conn “Connqueror” Bb/A cornet, 1908


Conn “Perfected Wonder” Bb/A cornet, first & second generations, 1906 in HP, 1908 in LP


Conn “Perfected Wonderphone” long model Bb/A cornet, 1909


Conn “Symphony” Bb/A trumpet, 1910


Conn New Wonder Victor 6A (later named 80A) Bb/A cornet, 1921


Conn Victor 6A "small bore" Bb/A cornet, 1930


Conn Military Bb/A low pitch trumpet, 1918


Conn “5B Symphony” Bb trumpet, 1922



 Conn Pan-American 28A Bb/A cornet, 1929 (last year of 1923 model, became 90A the following year)


Conn “22B New York Symphony” Bb trumpet in burnished silver plate, 1924


Conn “22B New York Symphony” Bb trumpet in matte silver plate, 1924


Conn “22B New York Symphony” Bb trumpet, modified to be lightweight and 24K plated, 1925


Conn “22B New York Symphony” Lightweight (marked "A") Bb trumpet, 1927


Conn “22B New York Symphony” Bb trumpet with French Brass (66/34) bell (marked "B") and updates, 1927


Conn “22B New York Symphony” Bb trumpet with Gold Brass bell (marked "*"), 1927


Conn “26B” Bb trumpet, 1926


Conn “24B Opera Grand” Bb trumpet, 1928


Conn Pan-American 94B “Cavalier” Peashooter Bb trumpet, 1928


Conn Pan-American 94B “Cavalier” Peashooter Bb trumpet, 1928


Conn “11L" HP/LP Bb American Legion bugle, ca. 1930


Conn Pan-American 30B Bb/A trumpet made for music store stencil, 1920s


Conn “2B New World Symphony” Bb trumpet, 1937


Conn “58B New Era” peashooter Bb trumpet, 1930


Conn Pan-American 54A "Campus" Peashooter-style 0.468"-bore Bb cornet, 1932


Conn “10B New Era” peashooter Bb trumpet, 1932


Conn 8A Victor New Era Peashooter 0.469" bore Bb cornet, 1942
(early WWII, just before conversion to making navigation instruments)


Conn “8B Symphony Grand" (Gustat model) Bb trumpet, 1940


Conn “48B Connqueror" Bb "vocabell" trumpet, 1937


Conn “12B" Bb trumpet with elctroformed "Coprion" bell, 1937


Conn Pan-American Bb trumpet, 1949


Conn “15A Director” student Bb cornet (successor to 14A, successor to 26A of 1930), 1969


Conn “18A Coprion Director” Intermediate Bb cornet, 1955


Conn 22B Bb trumpet, 1952


Conn 28B “Connstellation” Bb trumpet, 1954


Conn 38B “Connstellation” Bb trumpet, 1957


Conn 15B “Director” Bb student line trumpet, 1963


Conn 19A “Director” Bb student line cornet, 1971


Conn 1000B “Severinsen” Bb trumpet, 1972 by serial, but model launched around 1980


Conn 1B-46 “Vintage One” Bb trumpet, 2001


Cleveland Band Instrument Co. {Est. 1919, acq’d by H.N. White 1925}



Cleveland Bb/A trumpet, 1925


Cleveland “600 Greyhound" peashooter Bb/A trumpet, 1934


Cleveland “603” Bb/A trumpet, 1936


Cleveland “600B” Bb trumpet, 1938


Cleveland “601 Euclid” Bb/A cornet, 1939


Cleveland “603-T Toreador” Bb trumpet, 1956


 Cleveland “601-B” Bb cornet, 1963


{Est. 1827 as August Guichard in Chateau-Theirry, a suburb of Paris
Son-in-law Pierre Gautrot joined 1835, firm became Gautrot 1845
Firm became Couesnon in 1883, again by marriage
Firm failed after an arson fire and was revived by a former employee and her family,
whose three married names make up the first part of the name PGM Couesnon
Remained in Chateau-Thierry. Defunct 2023}


Guichard Cornopean in Bb, A, Ab, G, with two early Stotzel valves, pre-1835


Gautrot Cornopean in Bb, A, Ab, G, stenciled to Wurlitzer Bros., circa 1870


Couesnon “Modele Monopole” Bb/A trumpet, circa 19-teens


Couesnon “Richmond” Bb trumpet stenciled to Palmer Music, circa 19-teens


Couesnon C trumpet stenciled to Robert Martin in Macon France (with Bb insert inset), circa 1960s


D.E.G./ Dynasty{Est. 1965 by Don Getzen, ceased sales of stencil marching brass before 2016, Dynasty drums continues}


D.E.G.Don Getzen Signature Bb trumpet, 1969 (built by Blessing)


Distin, Henry {Est. 1849 in England, 1878 in NY, 1882 in PA, became Brua Keefer 1909
Defunct after a grass fire spread to the factory in 1960}


Distin Bb high pitch cornet built at Moses Slater in NY with Distin, 1881 (slides shown are Holton)


Distin Bb high pitch cornet built for JW Pepper in Philadelphia, 1885


Distin Bb/A high pitch cornet, 1902


EA Couturier {Est. 1913 as Wm Seidel, failed, acq’d 1917, moved LaPort IN, failed 1923}


Couturier Continuous Conical Bore Bb/A short cornet, 1917/18


Couturier Continuous Conical Bore Bb/A short cornet, 1919


Couturier Continuous Conical Bore long cornet, 1923


Eastman {Est. 1992, expanded into brass 2005 with Steve Shires}


Eastman “ETR-420” Bb trumpet, circa 2010


E.F. Durand {Est. circa 2007, stencil brand}


E.F. Durand Bb slide trumpet, circa 2015


Elkhart Band Instrument Co. {Est. 1923, bought Buescher, name retired 1959}


Elkhart Bb/A trumpet, 1932


F.E. Olds {Est. 1912, liquidated 1979, name used by a music store on supplier-built (stencil) product now}


Olds "Military" Bb trumpet, 1936


Olds "Standard" Bb cornet,modified with Autrey leadpipe, 1935


Olds "Standard" Bb cornet, 1938


Olds "French Model" Bb trumpet, 1938


"Super Olds Recording Cornet" Bb cornet, 1940


Olds Military variation on Standard Bb trumpet, 1941


Olds “Super” Bb trumpet, 1948


Olds “Super” Bb cornet, 1966


Olds “Special” Bb trumpet, 1962


Olds “M-10 Mendez” Bb trumpet, 1953


Olds “T-10 Studio” Bb trumpet, 1964 (1948 design)


Olds “Studio” Bb cornet, 1951


Olds “Opera” Pro nickel bell trumpet, 1968


Olds “Recording” (model R-10) Bb trumpet, 1971


Olds “Superstar” Pro Commercial Bb trumpet with inline ported valves & explosion-formed "ultrasonic" bell, 1972


Olds "Ambassador" Bb trumpet, 1976


Olds “Ambassador” student line Bb cornet, 1971 (1947 design)


Olds “Pinto” (& Reynolds “Ranger”) Bb trumpet with plastic valve block, 1974


Olds “Ambassador” Bb trumpet with Kanstul bell and customizations, 1973/19??


Frank Millard Co. {Est. 1904/8 in Detroit MI, closed after 1921}


Millard Model 7 Bb/A cornet, circa 1910


Millard Model 14 Bb/A trumpet, circa 1920


Getzen {Est. 1947 in Elkhorn Wisconsin}


Getzen Bb trumpet, 1951


Getzen Bb SuperDeluxe cornet, 1954


Getzen “300-Fanfare” Bb trumpet made for Walt Disney World use 1966-2008, 1966


Getzen “Eterna Severinsen Model" Bb trumpet, 1968


Getzen “593 Capri Herald" Bb fanfare trumpet, ca. 2018


Getzen “907S Proteus" Bb trumpet, 2024


Gladiator by H.N. White {Est. 1940 as economy line, built 1940-41 & 1950-53}


Gladiator Bb cornet, 1940


Gladiator Bb trumpet, 1940


J.Gras {Est. 1836 in Paris and Lille, Made bell blanks for Bach in the 1920s, defunct 1930s}


J.Gras C/Bb/A trumpet, circa 1920s


Greenhill {Est. 1824 as Jos. Greenhill, 71 Little Britain, London Eng. Moved to 18 Little Britain 1829
Prof. Joseph Greenhill died 1836, Mrs. C. Greenhill successor. Moved to 14 Ivy Lane, Newgate St.
1847, defunct after 1850}


J. Greenhill, 18 Little Britain Keyed Bugle, circa 1830s


Grinnell Bros. {Est. 1872 Ann Arbor MI, 1881 Detroit MI, liquidated 1981}


Grinnell Bros. Bb/A cornet, stencil or unknown supplier-built, circa 1910


H.E. McMillin – Crown Brand {Est. circa 1880, Cleveland OH, died 1924}


Crown Bb/A cornet, circa 1900


Crown Bb/A cornet in Low Pitch, circa 1915


H.N. White {Est. 1894, sold forming King Musical Instruments 1965, now Conn-Selmer brand}


HN White “The King” Bb/A cornet with high pitch slide installed, 1896


HN White “The King” Bb/A cornet with low pitch slide installed, short model precursor, 1900


HN White “King Long Model” Bb/A cornet with low pitch slide installed, small bore, 1915


HN White “King Famous Short Model” Bb/A cornet with low pitch slide installed, medium bore, 1911


HN White “King Large Bore Model” Bb/A cornet with low pitch slide installed, large bore, 1907


HN White “King Combination/Vocal” C/Bb/A cornet with C crook installed, medium bore, 1906


HN White “King Small Bore” trumpet in low pitch, small bore, 1911


HN White “King Improved Model Long” cornet with low pitch slide installed, small bore, 1912


HN White “King Improved Model Vocal/Combination” C/Bb/A cornet, medium bore, 1910


HN White “King Improved Model Perfecto” (Perfecto #1) Bb/A cornet, medium bore, 1911


HN White “King Improved Model” Bb/A trumpet with low pitch slides, small bore (others avail.), 1911


HN White “King Special” Bb/A cornet with high pitch slides installed, large bore, 1912 (Top of horn re-created by Robb Stewart per first generation King designs)


HN White “King Special” Bb/A cornet with high pitch slides installed, large bore, 1913 (Original leadpipe broken and slipped together losing over an inch under the patch)


HN White “King Perfecto” (Perfecto #2), A/Bb cornet with low pitch slides installed, medium bore, 1914


HN White “King Master Model” Bb/A cornet with mixed slide set, medium bore, 1915


HN White “King Cavalry” Bb/A cornet with high pitch slides installed, medium bore, 1916


“Imperial HN White Sole Agent” HN White self-stenciled Bb/A lower line cornet, circa 1916


HN White “King Master Model” Bb/A trumpet, available in various bores, 1916


HN White “King Master Model Vocal C” C/Bb/A trumpet, available in various bores, 1931


HN White “King Master Model Combination / Vocal” C/Bb/A cornet, medium bore, 1918


HN White “King Liberty” Bb/A trumpet, 1925


HN White “King Liberty” Bb/A trumpet, 1932


HN White “King Liberty” custom post horn, circa 1925


HN White “King official BSA Regulation G/F Bugle”, circa 1925


HN White “King Silvertone #1078 Bugle” in Bb, circa 1930


HN White “King Coach Horn#1076”, circa 1935


HN White “King American Legion Model” D Bugle, circa 1935


HN White “King Junior” Bb/A low line cornet, 1925


HN White “King Silvertone” Bb/A cornet (Master Model #2 variant), Medium bore, 1941


HN White “King Commander” Bb/A cornet, medium bore, 1936


HN White “King Liberty #2 Silvertone” Bb/A trumpet, 1935


HN White “King Liberty #2” Bb/A trumpet with optional rimless bell, 1946


HN White “King New Professional Long Model” Bb/A cornet, 1938


HN White “King Liberty 3B” Bb trumpet, 1936


HN White “King Liberty 2B” Bb trumpet, 1947


HN White “King Super-20 S1” Bb trumpet, 1946


HN White “King Super-20 Symphony” Bb trumpet, 1963


HN White “King Super-20 (Master Model)” Bb cornet, 1960


King Musical Instruments “Silver Flair #1055” Bb trumpet (HN White 1962 design), 1968


HN White dual-bore (Symphony model design) “Flair” prototype, 1965


Harry B. Jay - Columbia {Est. circa 1905, Chicago IL, defunct by WWII }


Columbia “Cornet-Trumpet” model with cornet receiver installed, 1917


Columbia “Trumpet” model, 1931


Harry Pedler & Sons {Est. 1932 as ART, renamed 1937, sold to Selmer 1958}


Harry Pedler and Sons “American Triumph” Bb trumpet, circa 1945


Hawkes & Son {Est. 1876 as Hawkes and Riviere (Hawkes began as music retailer in 1860),
renamed 1889, merged with Boosey and Co. 1930}


Hawkes & Son Bb cornet, circa 1889


Henri Selmer, Paris {Est. 1885, merged with Conn 2004 as Conn-Selmer}


Selmer “20” in medium bore, Bb low pitch trumpet, 1938


Selmer Grand Prix Artistique Bb cornet, 1936


Selmer Radial 99 Bb trumpet, 1969


Selmer C700 C trumpet, 1981


Herb Couf “Royalist” {stencil of Keilwerth: est.1925, reincorporated 1946}


Royalist Bb cornet, circa 1980


Royalist Bb trumpet (Keilwerth Toneking 2000), circa 1980


Hickernell, Prof. Ross {Est. 1922, Warren, OH., Built initially under contract by Nuss, but mostly by York through ca. 1930.}


Hickernell “Solo" Bb trumpet, ca. 1929 (missing York valves and unique caps)


Holton {Est. 1896, Chicago IL, Moved Elkhorn WI 1918, Leblanc div. 1965, Conn-Selmer brand 2004}


Holton “Old Model” Bb/A short cornet with low pitch slide installed, 1902 (hand built)


Holton “New Proportion” short Bb/A cornet with low pitch slide installed, 1905 (hand built)


Holton “The Holton Trumpet” in Bb/A, 1906 (hand built)


Holton “New Proportion” short Bb/A cornet with high pitch slide installed, 1908 (factory built)


Holton “New Proportion” short Bb/A cornet HP/LP in case with all slides, 1911


Holton “New Proportion Couturier Model” Bb/A cornet, 1912


Holton “New Proportion Long Model” Bb/A cornet in .423” “00” bore, 1906


Holton “Couturier Model” Vocal C/Bb/A cornet, 1911


Holton Bb/A trumpet, 1909


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” HP/LP with Low Pitch slide installed in Bb/A, 1911


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” Low Pitch, in Bb/A, 1911


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” HP/LP with Low Pitch slide installed in Bb/A, 1912


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” Low Pitch, in Bb/A, 1913


Holton “New Proportion FC model” Bb/A cornet, 1913


Holton “Revelation” Bb/A cornet, 1914


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” HP/LP in Bb with Low Pitch slides installed, 1914


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” Low Pitch in Bb, 1914


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” HP/LP with Low Pitch valve slides and High Pitch tuning slide installed, 00-1/4 bore, 1915


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” HP/LP with Low Pitch slides installed, 00-1/4 bore, 1917


Remains of Holton 00-1/4 bore HP/LP from GLNTC Cleveland in WWI (Sousa), 1918


Holton “D.L.P.” D trumpet, March 11, 1915


“Holton-Clarke” Bb/A cornet, 1923


“Holton-Clarke Long Model” Bb/A cornet, 1919


“Holton-Clarke Long Model Vocal” C/Bb/A cornet, 1921


“Holton Soprano Sackbut or Slide Cornet, 1923


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” (Elkhorn) HP/LP with LP slides installed Bb/A trumpet, 1919


Holton “The New Holton Trumpet” (Elkhorn) Low Pitch Bb/A trumpet, 1919


Holton “Revelation” pre-production Bb/A trumpet, December 1919


Holton “Revelation” mock-up in 00-1/4 bore using 1918 New Holton Trumpet body in Bb/A, circa 1919


Holton “New Holton Trumpet” Bb/A trumpet, 1921


Holton “Revelation” (Gen 1), Bb/A trumpet, 1921 - ring on third is not original


Holton “Revelation 00-1/4 Model” (Gen 2), Low Pitch Bb/A trumpet, 1923
Built with both Elkhorn and Chicago parts 5 years after Holton left Chicago and marked with both locations


Holton “Revelation” (Gen 2), Low Pitch Bb/A trumpet, 1924


Holton “Revelation” (Gen 2), HP/LP with HP slide installed, Bb/A trumpet, 1925


Holton “Revelation Jazz Hound” (Gen 2), 00 bore, Low Pitch Bb/A trumpet, 1925


Holton “Revelation Cannon” (Gen 2), 1 bore, Low Pitch Bb/A trumpet, 1927


Holton C/Bb/A trumpet configured in Bb, 1926 *S*


Holton C/Bb/A trumpet configured in C, 1926


Holton “Klatzkin Model” Bb trumpet, 1926


Holton “Don G. Berry Model” “1” bore (.485”) Bb/A trumpet, 1929


Holton “New Revelation Llewellyn Model” (Gen 2.5) Bb/A trumpet, 1929


Holton Collegiate “Model 172” Bb/A student trumpet, 1929 (Made in former Couturier LaPorte plant)


Holton “The Holton New Revelation Trumpet” Low pitch Revelation with 1927 first valve porting change, 1931


Holton "Revelation Gustat Model" Bb/A trumpet, 1931


Holton “Revelation New Professional Symphony #50” (Gen 3) 0-1/2 (.473”) bore Bb/A trumpet, 1932


Holton “Revelation New Professional #30” (Gen 3) Bb/A trumpet, 1935 (“Revelation” in lacquer)


Holton “Revelation New Professional #30” (Gen 3) Bb/A trumpet, 1934 (“Professional” plated)


Holton customized “Revelation New Professional #30” (Gen 3) Bb/A trumpet, 1932 (Amado missing)


Holton “Revelation New Professional #32 Streamline” Bb/A trumpet, 1935 (“Revelation” in lacquer)


Holton “Revelation New Professional Long Model 28” Bb cornet, 1935


Holton “Holton-Clarke Model 22” Bb/A cornet, 1932 (possible proto)


Holton “Holton-Clarke Long Model 26” Bb/A cornet, 1938


Holton Collegiate “Model 502”(formerly “Model 170” and “Ideal 400”) Bb/A student cornet, 1938


Holton Collegiate “Model 506” (formerly “Ideal 405”) Bb/A student trumpet, 1948


Holton “Resotone Model 34M” Bb/A trumpet, 1936


Holton “Resotone Model 34M” Bb/A trumpet, 1937


Holton “Resotone Model 24” Bb/A cornet, 1938


Holton “Revelation Model 45” (Gen 4) Bb trumpet, 1939 (Amado spit keys added)


Holton “Model 45 Deluxe” Bb trumpet, 1941


Holton “Revelation Model 48” (Gen 4) Bb trumpet, 1939


Holton Military Bb trumpet (non-reversed, pinkie hook added to Revelation), December 1941


Holton Military conversion of a “Model 29” Bb cornet, 1941


Holton “Aida Trumpet” in Bb, 1947


Holton “Model 25” Bb cornet, 1947


Holton “Model 28” Bb cornet, 1947


Holton “Model 29” Bb cornet, 1947


Holton “Revelation Model 45” Bb trumpet, 1951


Holton “Deluxe Model 45” Bb trumpet, 1951


Holton “Revelation Model 48” Bb trumpet, 1947


Holton “Deluxe Model 48” Bb trumpet, 1957


Holton “Model 51LB Large Bore” Bb trumpet, 1952


Restored Holton “Model 49 Stratodyne” Bb trumpet, 1954


Robb Stewart Ab conversion “Model 49 Stratodyne” Bb trumpet, 1954/2022


Unrestored Holton “Model 49 Stratodyne” Bb trumpet, 1955


Holton “Model 27 Stratodyne” Bb cornet based on Model 29, 1954


Holton “Model 47 Symphony” Bb trumpet, 1957 (trigger missing)


Holton “Model B47 Symphony” Bb trumpet, 1960


Holton Collegiate “Model 503” Bb/A student cornet, 1951


Holton Collegiate “Model 507” Bb student trumpet, 1951


Holton Collegiate “Model 504” Bb student cornet, 1955


Holton Collegiate “Model 508” Bb student trumpet, 1964


Holton “Revelation Model 45” Bb trumpet with French valves, 1958


Holton “Revelation Model 48” Bb trumpet, 1960


Holton “Special Deluxe" Model 603, marked as "SuperCollegiate" Model 604 Bb cornet, 1955


Holton "SuperCollegiate" Model 608 Bb trumpet, 1956


Holton “SuperCollegiate Model 608” Bb trumpet, 1960


Holton “Super-Collegiate Model 604” Bb cornet, 1959


Holton "C-301 Revelation" cornet, 1965


Holton “Galaxy” Bb trumpet, nickel silver construction, 1965


Holton “T-102” (formerly “Model 50” pre-Leblanc) Bb trumpet, 1966


Holton “B-101” (formerly “Model 50” pre-Leblanc) Bb trumpet, 1965


Holton “SC-602” Bb cornet, 1976


Holton “C-302” Bb cornet, 1966


Holton “ST-602” (later T-602P) Bb trumpet, 1977


Holton Bugle in G for USMC Drum & Bugle Corps, circa 1965


Holton Collegiate “T-602” Bb trumpet, 1968


Holton C-201 "Lauriat" Bb cornet, 1966 (introduced as "Model 28" 1963-65)


Holton “T-302 Revelation” Bb trumpet, 1973


Holton “T-???” Bb trumpet, 1966 (Built like a Stratodyne, but a 2-pc yellow brass bell. B-49?)


Holton “T-401 Galaxy” Bb trumpet, 1973


Holton C-401 "Galaxy" Bb cornet, 1973


Holton “ST-500 Al Hirt Special” Bb trumpet, 1966


Holton “C-500 Al Hirt Special” Bb cornet, 1967


Holton “T-505 Bobby Harriot” Bb trumpet, 1970


Holton T-602 "Collegiate" Bb trumpet, 1972


Holton “ST-100 Symphony” (also “ST-100 Dave Stahl” post 74, “T-100” early) Bb trumpet, 1973


Holton “Collegiate C-602” Bb student cornet, 1972


Holton C-603 Bb cornet, circa 1980


Holton “C-604” Bb cornet, circa 1980


Holton “C-605” Bb cornet, circa 1990


Holton “C-101” Bb cornet prototype, 1990


Holton Collegiate “T-604” Bb trumpet, 1968


Holton “T-606R” Bb trumpet, built and serialized by Yamaha in Japan, circa 1975


Holton (Courtois-built, Leblanc serial) “C-303 Continental” Bb cornet, 1968


Holton (Courtois-built, Leblanc serial) “T-303 Continental Silver * One” Bb trumpet, early 1968


Holton (Courtois-built, Leblanc-serial) “T-303” Bb trumpet, late 1968


Holton “T-747” Bb trumpet, 1972


Holton “ST-200 Bud Brisbois” Bb trumpet, 1979


Holton Prototype 1 for “T-301 Maynard Ferguson” Bb trumpet, 1971


Holton “T-304 Maynard Ferguson” Bb trumpet, 1979


Holton “ST-550 MF Admiral” Bb trumpet, circa 1980


Holton “T-100X Adjustable Gap Receiver Model” Bb trumpet, 1981


Holton “T-100 SX" Adjustable Gap Receiver Model continuation prototype Bb trumpet using T-101 body, 1982


Holton “T-101 Symphony” (1980 Elkhart Bach 37 clone) Bb trumpet, circa 1990


Holton “T-602” Bb student trumpet, circa 1990


Holton “C-602” Bb student trumpet, circa 1990


Holton “LT-101” Lightweight Bb trumpet, 1990s


Holton "T-105" (originally “TM-2000 Millennium Edition”) Bb trumpet, ca.2000


Holton T-650 Pocket Bb trumpet (stencil of Jupiter JPT-416), 2000


Anton Holy{Est. 1864 in Pilsen Bohemia. Defunct around 1897. Anton Holy (1835-1926) was a Czech nationalist.}


Anton Holy Bb cornet, ca.1870s


Hunter Music{Est. 1996 as the US retail arm of Tianjin Music Instrument Industry Co. of China in New York}


Hunter 6418ML Bb trumpet, 2016


Imperial{Est. August 1922 at at 643 Elmira St. in Williamsport PA., moved 1926 to 3 Maynard St., ceased ops 1935}


Imperial Bb trumpet, 1922


Isaac Fiske & Co. (Isaac Fiske 1820-1894){Est. 1842 in Worcester Mass.
Sold to C.G. Conn January 1887, became Conn Worcester. Closed down 1898}


Fiske push-button rotary valve linkage Eb cornet, circa 1880


Henry Keat and Sons {Est. 1825 in London by Samuel Keat. 1856 son Henry buys out brother George.
1876 Henry's sons Daniel and George take over. Defunct 1950}


Hy.Keat & Sons G Bugle, Late 19th c.


James Keat {Sold through Graves & Co. Winchester N.H., Est. 1836, Sold to Graves 1842}


J.Keat for Graves & Co., Winchester N.H. 7-keyed bugle in Bb, 1837


Jupiter (KHS Music) {Est. 1930 as Wan Wu, Taiwan, as KHS 1946, Jupiter US 1980}


Jupiter “JTR-600” Bb student trumpet, 1985

Jupiter “JTR-606MRL” Bb trumpet, 2010


Jupiter “600AB Brigadier” G/F Bugle, 2007


Jupiter XO 1602SR Bb trumpet, 2018


J. Higham {Est. 1842, Manchester England; closed circa 1960}


J. Higham “Clear Bore System, Class A” Bb/A cornet in high pitch, circa 1930


JW York & Son {unused brand of Buffet-Crampon group; Est.1882 Grand Rapids, closed 1971}


York “Monarch” Bb/A cornet with High Pitch slide installed, 1903


York “Professional” Bb/A cornet with Low Pitch slide installed, 1904


York “Al-Tru” Bb/A cornet, 1903


York “Perfec-tone” Bb/A cornet, 1911


York G bugle (appears to be high pitch), circa 1915


York Regulation bugle cut down to be in B-flat, circa 1915



York Regulation bugle repaired with short sleeves - will play in HP or LP in G, circa 1915



York “Field Trumpet” Bb bugle, 1918


York Bb/A trumpet, 1921


Grand Rapids Band Instrument Co., Div. of JW York & Son, Bb trumpet, circa 1920


York Bb trumpet, 1928


Grand Rapids Band Instrument Co., Div. of JW York & Son, “USA Line” Bb trumpet, circa 1930


York Bb trumpet, 1957


Kanstul {Est.1982 Anaheim CA. in the former KMI Benge plant}


Besson “MEHA” built under contract by Kanstul, Bb trumpet, 1987


Ralph Kenny Music Store {Est.1907 Minneapolis, closed 1918 }


Ralph Kenny supplier-built Bb cornet with low pitch tuning slide, circa 1910


LeCompte {Est.1859 Paris France, defunct 1912}


Vassielleiri Fils stencil “Modele Francais” Bb cornet in high pitch by A. LeCompte, circa 1875


A. LeCompte “for DC Hall, Boston” Eb cornet, circa 1878


H. Lehnert Philadelphia {Est. 1865 in Boston, moved Philadelphia 1866 , by Henry Lehnert, apprentice
to Graves & Wright, and brother of Carl Lehnert who partnered with Ben Richardson, the former partner
of JL Allen, in Richardson & Lehnert in Boston. Defunct 1916}


H. Lehnert Phila. TARV (top-action rotary valve) Eb cornet in German Silver, circa 1870


Ludwig’s Music {Est. 1876 by Alex Ludwig, St. Louis MO}


Ludwig’s “Standard” Bb/A trumpet, circa 1930


Lyon & Healy {Est.1889 Chicago IL, only makes/stencils harps today}


Lyon & Healy "Own Make" branded “Duplex” Bb/A cornet, 1909


Lyon & Healy (stencil of unknown) “American Professional” Bb/A cornet in Low Pitch, circa 1908


C. Mahillon {Est. 1836 by Charles B Mahillon (1813-1887), sold 1937 to Jean Adrien Smits becoming
Mahillon & Co. Succ. J. Smits. Sold 1970 to the Steenhuysen firm becoming Musical Mahillon Steenhuysen
in 1978. Ceased operation 1999.
Victor C Mahillon (3/10/1841- 6/17/1924), was the son of Charles, author of Éléments D'Acoustique of 1874
and first curator as well as major donor to the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, which created the
(European) Musical Instrument Museum in 1877. Renold Schilke studied Mahillon's work at the
Conservatory in 1927.}


C. Mahillon Bb/A cornet, ca. 1890 - C. Bruno Catalog


C. Mahillon Bb trumpet, 1936


Martin & Co.{Est. GR Martin 1852, NY, Martin & Co. 1864, MP&C 1872, Martin Bros. 1879-85}


Martin & Co. cornet made at #31 Courtlandt St. NY in 1870 or 1871


Martin, Pollmann & Co. Eb parlor (pocket) cornet made at #31 Courtlandt St. NY in 1877 or 1878


Martin Band Instr. Co.{unused brand of Conn Selmer since 2007, Est.1904&5 Elkhart IN}


Martin “Renowned” presentation Bb/A cornet, 1908


Martin “Renowned” Bb/A trumpet in High Pitch with Low Pitch accessory at left, 1914


Martin “Standard” or "Long Model" Bb/A cornet with High Pitch slide installed, 1911


Martin “Superlative” Bb/A trumpet with Low Pitch slide installed, 1919


Martin “Symphony” Bb/A trumpet with Low Pitch slide installed, 1917


Martin "Imperial" Bb cornet, 1922


Martin “Handcraft Dansant” Bb/A trumpet with High Pitch slide installed, 1927


Martin “New Master” Bb/A cornet, 1927


Martin “New Master” Bb/A trumpet, 1927


Martin “Troubador” Bb/A peashooter trumpet, 1931


Martin “Standard” Bb trumpet for US military, 1944


Indiana Band Instrument Co. Bb/A trumpet, 1940


Martin Indiana “Chieftain” Bb trumpet, 1959


Martin "Handcraft Superlative" Bb trumpet, 1932


Martin “Handcraft Imperial” Bb/A trumpet, 1936


Martin “Standard” Bb/A cornet, 1935


Martin “Handcraft Committee” Bb trumpet, 1940/1


Martin “Imperial” Bb trumpet, 1954


Martin "Deluxe Committee" C trumpet prototype, 1954


Martin “Smith Model” individualy customized hand-built "Custom Committee" Bb cornet, 1953/4


Martin (div. of RMC) “Custom Committee” Bb trumpet, star indicates actual special order, 1963
(Stock RMC Custom Committee came with a trigger. Unique throw appears original)


Martin (div. of Wurlitzer) “Magna” Bb cornet, 1963


Martin (div. of Wurlitzer) “Magna” Bb trumpet, 1965


Martin (div. of Wurlitzer) “Galaxy” Bb trumpet, 1969


Martin (div. of Leblanc) Experimental Bb trumpet, 1973


Martin (div. of Leblanc) “T-3460” Kenosha Committee Bb trumpet, 1972


Martin (div. of Leblanc) “T-3460” gen-2 prototype Bb trumpet, 1977


M. Dupont, Paris{19th & 20th century horns built in France and sold through American retailers such as Sears.
The name comes from the French instrument making family of Eugene Dupont, who worked for, possibly
apprenticed at, Besson, and then for Aldolph Sax trained Henry Distin, ultimately mentoring CG Conn,
Gus Buescher and JH Martin at Conn & Dupont}


M Dupont C cornet, ca. 1880


Meredith Band Instrument. Co.{Est. 1904 by Z. Albert Meredith (b.14-Dec. 1869 in Waring Ohio)
operated 1907-1920 in Marion Ohio. Unique patented open valve porting system}


Meredith Open Tone Bb/A cornet, 1914


Millereau {Est. 1790s as Raoux, sold to (1815) Labbaye 1857, to Millereaux 1878, to Selmer 1932}


Millereau “Brevette” Bb trumpet, circa 1915


Rudy Muck{Est. 1936 New York, NY. Sold to Carl Fischer around 1950, continued through 1960s}


Rudy Muck "Citation" Bb trumpet, 1950 (Bach .468-bore NY Strad Clone built with York and Blessing parts)


Nikkan{Est. 1930s Tokyo Japan. Aquired by Yamaha 1955. Brand ended 1970}


Nikkan Bb trumpet, ca.1950


Orsi, Prof. Romeo {Est. 1836 Tradate Italy}


Orsi Bb trumpet, circa 1935


Oswal Band Instruments {Est. 1962 (company claim - records show 1972) in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India}


Oswal Bb trumpet, 2017 (price $68)


Jacques Polfliet Bruxelles {Est. 1914 (active after war) in Brussels, Belgium. Defunct after 1950}
"patented maker to the army and conservatory"


J.Polfliet "Fabricacion Artistique" natural trumpet, ca. 1920


Pollman, August {Est. 1880 NY NY, defunct after 1905}


August Pollman Bb/A cornet in High Pitch (likely stencil of unknown), circa 1880


Reynolds {Music store stencil since 1979; Est. 1936, sold to Scherl & Roth 1946, Olds 1963}


Reynolds Bb trumpet, 1938


Ohio Band Instr. Co. (Reynolds student line) “Regent” Bb/A cornet, 1937


Ohio Band Instr. Co. (Reynolds student line) “Regent” Bb trumpet, 1950


Ohio Band Instr. Co. (Reynolds student line) “Roth 300” Bb trumpet stencil for Scherl & Roth, 1940


Reynolds "Model 51" Bb trumpet with Sterling bell, 1953


Reynolds "Emperor" "Official Music Man Model" Bb cornet, 1962


Reynolds (line of F.E. Olds) Clarin ERA (Extended Range Altissimo) trumpet with 2000Hz Cardwell bell, 1974


Unknown maker - near perfect copy of a Reynolds Medalist Bb student trumpet ca. 1975.
Stencilled as a 2008 Holton T-603, a non-existent model


Salvationist Publishing {Est. 1889 London Eng., sold to Boosey & Hawkes 1972}


Salvation Army “Bandmaster” Bb/A cornet, 1940


Schilke Music Products{Est.1956, Chicago. IL.}


Schilke B2 Bb trumpet, modified with Autrey leadpipe and Harmonic Balancer weights on
1st and 3rd slides, Byron's personal and last public performance horn, 1962


Davis Shuman {Est.1950, NY NY, modified Peddler horns with a re-orientable bell,
Sale of assets to Selmer 1960, continued modifying Courtois horns, died 1966}


Davis Shuman "Angel" Model 88 conversion of a Peddler Bb trumpet, 1958


Sistek Music {Est. 1904 Cleveland OH, burned down 1970 in murder-arson}


Sistek Bb trumpet, 1918/19 (Jas. Sistek manufactured before and after founding Cleveland BIC)


Moses Slater {Est.1865, Slater died 1889 but the company lasted till 1920}


Slater cornet built identically to the Distin cornets from New York, ca.1880s


S.R. Leland & Son {Est. 1839 Worcester MA, closed 1915}


Valved Bugle attributed to SR Leland & Son (questionable), circa 1915 (questionable)


Stomvi {Est. 1980 Xirivella, Valencia, Spain as a jewelry shop by Vicente Honorato Ibanez,
expanded to brass instruments 1982}


Stomvi 5311 Mambo Titanium Bb trumpet in gold plating, 2002


Tanabe Band Instrument Co. Ltd. {Est. 1897 in Tokyo 4 years after Japan's first band instrument maker
(Egawa - became Nikkan and was bought by Yamaha) Shut down in 1954}


Tanabe Bb trumpet with damaged bell, ca. 1950


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {Est. 1917, dissolved December 1991 }


Soviet Collective-built push-button rotary valve Bb cornet, date estimated between 1950 & 80


Moscow Tool Factory Bb trumpet, 1959


Moscow Factory rare piston valve Bb trumpet, ca. 1980


Orpheus Bb trumpet, Ministry of Local Manufacturing, USSR, Slavutych (Ukraine, replacement for Pripyat after Chernobyl accident), August 1991


Vega {Est. DC Hall 1862 Boston MA, Hall & Quinby 1866-1869, Hall-Quinby-Wright 1869-1871, Quinby & Hall 1871-1876,
Quinby Bros 1876-1884, Standard Band Instruments 1884-1905, Bought by Vega Banjo 1905, Vega 1909-WWII}


Quinby Bros. (1876-1884) Bb cornet


Standard Band Instrument Co.(Vega), Bb cornet in high & low pitch, 1916


Vega "Chas E. George" Bb trumpet, 1922 (second version with 1915 patent)


Vega “Odell” (named for Thompson & Odell publishers, prior owner) Bb trumpet, circa 1920


Vega “Standard” Bb cornet, 1939


Vincent Bach Corp. {Est. 1918 NY NY, sold to Selmer 1961, Conn-Selmer Co. Elkhart}


Bach “Stradivarius Model” Bb trumpet with 37 bell and 7 leadpipe, 1945
(Sold to "USSR Govt." - Red Army Band - turned up in Bolivia in the 21st century)


Bach “Stradivarius Model” Bb trumpet, 1956 (Byron Autrey modified
leadpipe, tuning slide and brace removed, NY wrap @ Mt. Vernon with 37 bell)


Bach “Stradivarius Model, 43” Bb trumpet, 1961 (Mt.Vernon, originally lacquer , gold plated and first slide throw added)


Bach “Stradivarius Model, 37” Bb trumpet, 1963 (assembled Mt.Vernon, lacquered Elkhart)


Bach “Stradivarius Model, 25” Bb trumpet, 1970 ("Early Elkhart")


Bach “TR-300” student line Bb trumpet, 1988


Bach “180LS229H/25LR Stradivarius” C trumpet, 1991


Bach “180MLV72G/25 Stradivarius” Bb trumpet, 2009 (early post strike/restructuring build)


Bach “LR180S72 Stradivarius” Bb trumpet, 2021


W.F.L. Drums {Est. 1936}



WFL G-D Single Valve Bugle for American Legion competition. Designed 1927, Ludwig & Ludwig


Wm. Frank & Co.{Est. 1914, absorbed by Blessing after WWII, tooling sold to Schilke Music Product in 1956 to make mouthpieces}



Wm. Frank "Excelsior" Bb trumpet, 1933


W.J. Gronert {Est. ca. 1900, merged into Martin BIC 1911}



W.J. Gronert “Masterpiece Grand" Bb/A cornet, ca. 1900


Wurlitzer {Est. 1856, exited band instrument market 1971}


Wurlitzer “Symphony” Bb/A stencil or unknown supplier-built Bb/A cornet, circa 1910


Wurlitzer “Feature” Bb/A stencil or unknown supplier-built Bb/A trumpet, circa 1920


Yamaha {Est. 1887 Japan}


Yamaha “YTR-761” D/Eb trumpet, 1972


Yamaha “YTR-632” Bb trumpet, 1972


Yamaha “YTR-739T” Bb trumpet, 1979


Yamaha “YTR-8335RG(S) Xeno” Bb trumpet, circa 2000


Yamaha “YTR-8310Z Bobby Shew” Bb trumpet, 2005


Unmarked Yamaha “YCR-8335G(S)” Bb cornet, 2016




Natural trumpet in tight wrap, ca. late 18th c. with 19th c. replacement pitching crook


Natural trumpet in tight wrap, presumed 19th century


A Squire - Alfred Squire Music Publishing, Cincinnati (Ohio) Stencil Bb/A high pitch Cornet, circa 1870s


J.W. Pepper, Philadelphia, PA. Stencil Eb Cornet, circa 1885


Orpheum New York Stencil Bb trumpet, Made in France, circa 1930


Regulation-style bugle in Eb, from Germany, presumed mid-20th century


Revere "Special" Bb trumpet, circa 1947 (made in US occupied future West Germany)


Revere "Special" Bb trumpet, circa 1947 (made in US occupied future West Germany)


Unknown Bb Pocket cornet, circa 1960s


C Trumpet built from Besson, Bach and other parts by Byron Autrey for personal use ca. 1980


Mystery horn Marked as a Yamaha and built with Yamaha parts - but also several pocket-specific OEM parts that appear on identical models with original Holton and other make parts and thusly marked. Possible tribute horn. Pocket Bb trumpet, circa 2000


False-antique. British colonial Bb field trumpet, made in India, circa 2000



*S* Instrument shown now resides in the Stearns Collection at the University of Michigan

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